Eye Conditions

An optometrist is a healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. They are trained to examine the eyes and vision, and to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye disorders. Our optometrists are licensed to diagnose and manage many ocular diseases. Some of the most common medical eye conditions include:


Refractive Errors: These are common vision problems that occur when the eye is not able to focus light properly on the retina. Examples of refractive errors include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Our optometrists will diagnose and treat these conditions with corrective eyeglass or contact lenses.


Cataracts: This is a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, resulting in vision loss. Our optometrists can diagnose and monitor cataracts. Once the time comes for surgery to correct the cataract, our optometrists will perform pre- and post-op exams and will work with a trusted surgeon to replace the clouded lens with an interocular lens (IOL).


Glaucoma: This is a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss. Glaucoma is often caused by an increase in pressure within the eye. Our optometrists can diagnose and monitor glaucoma, and may prescribe medications if necessary.


Macular Degeneration: This is a condition that affects the macula, the small central area of the retina that is responsible for sharp, detailed vision. Macular degeneration can cause vision loss and blindness. Our optometrists can diagnose and monitor the disease. If necessary, they may work with a trusted retinal specialist for additional treatments including ocular injections.


Diabetic Retinopathy: This is a complication of diabetes that affects blood vessels, especially those in the retina. Diabetic retinopathy can cause vision loss and blindness. Our optometrists can diagnose and monitor the disease, and will work with your care team to of doctors.


Dry Eyes: This is a condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears, or the tears that are produced are not of the right consistency to lubricate the eyes properly. Dry eye symptoms can include burning, itching, and a feeling of grittiness in the eyes. Our optometrists can diagnose and treat dry eyes.


It's important to note that regular eye exams are crucial to maintaining good eye health and catching any potential issues early on. 


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